Workout Ideas for the Weekend



What will you do for your workout today?

Believe in yourself and go after your goals!! The weekend can be a great time to recharge your batteries and pump yourself up!

Make it your goal to get up and get moving today and tomorrow, even if it’s simple. 

Need some ideas? Check out this lower body workout. It can help tone up the thighs and legs! Or if you’re looking for HIIT, did you try this week’s Burpee Babe workout?

Not in the mood for lower body? Try out these Top Moves for the Triceps and work on those arms today. Or you can head over to our YouTube channel to check out all the workouts and yoga routines we’ve filmed for you to get ideas.

Hopefully this helps! You can DO IT! We believe in you!! xo

Your trainers,
Liz & Sara