
Hi ladies! Liz here…

Liz Germain, NSCA-CPTYou may or may not know this , but I used to be in a competitive orchestra and I have always been super musically inclined. So it’s no wonder when I’m teaching group exercise, I just LOVE the feeling that is created by a new killer playlist.

As a teacher though, or even just when working out on my own,  sometimes I get sick of my music. I notice that when this happens, my workouts suffer because I’m just bored.

You know that feeling too I’m guessing. It’s crazy how much music can impact our moods and energy levels. You’ve experienced its effects if the moment your favorite new song comes on, it’s almost like you get super powers you get so pumped.

I’d love for this feeling to be brought on by every playlist I have, and trust me I’ve done everything to keep it as fresh as I can. I always joke that my subtitle job description while teaching should be “DJ Liz”; my students often let me know whether or not I chose a good playlist via the sweat on their backs and how hard they push extra that day. 

We’ve all been to a group exercise class where the music just sucked, so I do everything in my power to avoid playing boring music in my class. I’ve asked friends or coworkers to share their favorite tunes, I’ve spent more than a reasonable amount of money on iTunes downloads, and I’ve even polled you guys to see what’s on YOUR playlist…

But when you’re in the gym a lot like I am, sometimes it’s still not enough and you still get bored with your music, causing your workouts and energy levels to suffer right along with it. 

I used to have this problem a lot. But then I stumbled upon this app a while back called FITRadio and I absolutely LOVE it. It helps me keep discovering new DJs, new music mixes and just keeps my playlist rotation fresh and fun every time without any extra work on my part.


They even update their playlists for the holidays too, something I find it super hard to do on my own. This won’t appeal to everyone, but to other holiday music junkies like me, you will LOVE that feature. 🙂

Anyway, I really really enjoy the convenience of having one resource to go to that keeps a ton of brand new music mixes in one place; it’s got everything from Top 40 to Rock to Dubstep to Hip Hop and all the song transitions are seamless, meaning you are on a consistent tempo for each list.

As a fitness teacher that’s great news, but even as a regular gym-goer, it means you don’t have to pause or readjust your exercise tempos when a new song comes on.  I’ve used all the lists before and there’s not a single one I dislike. It helps you push longer and stronger in your workouts. 

If I forget my iPod or have played the same mixes too many times in a row in my classes, I just whip out my FITRadio app and have a brand new mix ready and waiting without having to do any extra uploading, downloading, buying or searching for new music. This same thing goes for my own personal workouts too.

If you’re ready to super charge your workouts with some fresh new beats, save yourself the time by downloading the app and subscribing to their monthly service. It will make working out more fun, that’s one thing I can promise. I actually liked this app so much I reached out to them to see if they’d offer you all any discounts… 

And they said yes!

CLICK HERE to use our special discount page and get cheaper rates than normal. You can also download this app for free, but then you don’t get to choose your mixes (they have everything pre-set for you now).

If you wanna be able to switch up your playlists, you can upgrade to their premium monthly service for as low as $2.99/month… that’s less than 10cents per day and I don’t know about you, but seems like the right price to me in exchange for a daily turbo boost to your workout mojo. 😉

I use this service almost every day and have had only good experiences with it. Try it out and see for yourself how much music can make a difference!

Happy lifting,

Liz Germain, NSCA-CPT